
Mobicue: registration confirmed

Welcome betashow2006.leowang!

You are now a member of Mobicue, the Instant Mobile Community. Congratulations!

Here is a summary of your account information:

Display name: betashow2006.leowang
Email address: betashow2006.leowang@blogger.com
Password: 751544

Sign in now to create and update your information, add a profile picture and upload media files:

To upload media files from your mobile phone, simply send an email to your confidental update address:

Please note that this is NOT an email address - it's just a convenient way to upload files directly from your mobile phone.

If you have questions, please see the help section of our website http://www.mobicue.com/jsp/help/help.jsp or send an email to support@mobicue.com

Welcome to Mobicue. Don't forget to invite your family and friends to join too!

The Mobicue Team
